Monday, September 1, 2008

Introducing KaBlocka...

I had planned out an art show called "Follow The Drip" for 08.08.08... I didn't realize how busy I was gonna be w/ other projects and before I knew it I had just about a week to create the art work I was gonna showcase. After much brainstorming, sketching, and painting I still didn't really have anything! I flipped through my sketch books and found a character i've been wanting to bring to light for a while. I took this little guy into Illustrator and cleaned him up... before I knew it, i'd stumbled upon the star of the show! Enjoy ;)

The original sketch...

After traced w/ the pen tool I still felt it wasn't quite right...

My second sketch which I was happy with... a bit more symetrical and clean...

Aaaaah... success! I couldn't be more satisfied w/ the line art...

Here's one of the MANY pieces I did using this character which I call KaBlocka (Kaba for Hippo in Japanese and Blocka for his blockyness) Stay tuned for pics of the 1st showing for "Follow The Drip" held at Cloth and Canvas.

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